Centre for asthma nd lungs

Centre for asthma nd lungs

Sarvodaya offers comprehensive diagnostic & treatment
modalities at Centre for Asthma & Lungs This functions
under the guidance of qualified pulmonologists and has
wide spectrum of services. Our Pulmonologists are specially
trained to manage diseases and conditions of the chest,
particularly Pneumonia, Asthma, Tuberculosis,
Emphysema, and complicated chest infections.
Sarvodaya has advanced technology for Pulmonary function
test, Sleep studies, Pulmonary imaging, Ultrasound, CT-
scan, Bronchoscopy, EBUS and Thoracoscopy. We provide
the interventional Services like Electrocoagulation for
haemoptysis, BAL/lungs biopsy, Foreign Body removal and
specialised asthma clinic and TB clinic.
Also the department treats sleep disorders and regularly
carries out sleep studies with advanced MPR PG with ST
PROXY Sleep Lab.


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