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Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a non-invasive medical treatment that involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized room or tube. Breathing 100% oxygen under pressure allows oxygen to dissolve into the blood plasma, resulting in increased oxygen delivery to the tissues. Hyperbaric oxygen acts as an anti-viral and anti-bacterial, as bacteria and viruses typically cannot tolerate oxygen. It helps fight bacteria and stimulates the release of substances called growth factors and stem cells, thereby promoting healing.
Oxymed Hospitals takes the lead in Chennai by establishing India’s First HBOT center in collaboration with the U.S.A. The treatment & research center at Oxymed Hospitals takes its pride in treating FDA approved conditions and researching off-label conditions headed by Dr.Ramanathan Muthiah M.D. We are involved in innovation and medical research, finding solutions to improve your care and quality of life. We tailor the care you receive to your personal health needs. You can trust our specialists to collaborate and offer you the best possible outcomes, safety, and services.

Oxymed Hospitals takes the lead in Chennai by establishing India’s First HBOT center in collaboration with the U.S.A. The treatment & research center at Oxymed Hospitals takes its pride in treating FDA approved conditions and researching off-label conditions headed by Dr.Ramanathan Muthiah M.D. We are involved in innovation and medical research, finding solutions to improve your care and quality of life. We tailor the care you receive to your personal health needs. You can trust our specialists to collaborate and offer you the best possible outcomes, safety, and services.
In a Hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber, the air pressure is three times higher than normal air pressure. Under these conditions, your lungs can gather more oxygen than at normal air pressure. Your blood carries this oxygen throughout your body. Researchers are actively investigating the utility of HBOT in several other medical disorders. HBOT is of immense value as life and limb saving measure in several medical and surgical conditions. HBOT appears to be promising in Autism affected children, Paralytic Stroke rehabilitation, Traumatic brain injury, and the like. HBOT, in most cases, is an add-on to conventional treatment and is not an Alternative therapy.

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Oxymed Hospital

Oxymed Hospital is India’s finest pre-eminent hospital for non-surgical treatments, exclusively recognized for its non-invasive treatment methods. With an encompassing mission to provide ethical care and virtuous treatments without surgery or other invasive procedures, Oxymed has been striving to deliver the best. We at Oxymed Hospitals ensure the patient is free from the fear of surgery. We show our efficiency in treating our patients by inspiring hope through integrated clinical practice and research, in addition to physical, emotional, and spiritual support. Oxymed Hospital stands tall for its standard of professionalism, ethics, and personal responsibility. It rightfully enjoys the trust of its patients.

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