Joinplant implant welder

Joinplant implant welder

JOINPLANT is a CE marked medical device used to join and stabilize immediate loading implants with a rigid splint in order to break down the masticatory forces applied on implants during healing and osseointegration.

Joinplant implant welder- JOINPLANT is a CE marked medical device used to join and stabilize immediate loading implants with a rigid splint in order to break down the masticatory forces applied on implants during healing and osseointegration. Intraoral Welding reduces mechanical stress, reduced procedure working time in the mouth, and maximum safety for the patient.

By means of a welding clamp endowed with copper electrodes, a pre-fabricated titanium bar is welded to the implant abutments directly in the oral cavity: an intense electric discharge passes through the contact point between the two titanium elements for a very short time (few milliseconds) without heating the surrounding tissues.

The current flowing between the titanium elements warms up the point of fusion, achieving a solid welded junction.

Such rigid fixation reduces the mechanical stress exerted on each implant during mastication and prevents the risk of micromovements, thus favouring the stability of the implants during the early stages of bone integration.

There is no risk for the patient since during the welding process the pliers are automatically disconnected from the mains and the heat produced is dissipated through the copper electrodes thanks to the greater thermal conductivity of copper compared to titanium.

Joinplant implant welder  dental implants give people the strength and stability needed to eat all the foods they enjoy without having to struggle to chew by replacing missing tooth roots. Additionally, these kinds promote face characteristics by stimulating and maintaining jawbone, which helps stop bone loss.

various kinds of dental implants
Your prosthodontists can select from a variety of coating, connection, and size options for each type of dental implant. Implant placement techniques come in a variety of forms, but they generally fall into one of two groups.

Joinplant implant welder -Endosteal (Endosseous) Implants: Endosteal dental implants are the most widely utilised kind. They are occasionally used in place of removable dentures or bridges. Endosteal implants come in screw or cylinder (threaded), smooth or bladed varieties. Your prosthodontist can help you choose the dental implant type that will work best for you, but endosteal implants are currently the most widely utilised option since they are secure, reliable, and widely accepted.Treatment: With endosteal implants, a titanium screw that serves as an artificial root is initially drilled into the jawbone. You must wait for the soft tissue and bone around the root to recover before you can complete the therapy. This is frequently a few months.
Endosteal implants are renowned for producing the most stable, realistic-looking results.
In order to begin an endosteal implant, the jawbone must be healthy and dense enough to support the implant. You might not have enough bone needed for an endosteal implant if you naturally have a narrow jawbone ridge or if one is short, constricted, and worn down as a result of trauma or disease. Considering this, a subperiosteal implant

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