What is the country wise break up of the global healthcare market size?

The country-wise breakup of the global healthcare market size can vary depending on the data source and the specific categories of healthcare spending considered. However, here are some estimates based on recent data:

  • United States: The United States has the largest healthcare market in the world, with estimated healthcare spending of $4.01 trillion in 2021, or around 37% of the global market.
  • China: China has the second-largest healthcare market, with estimated healthcare spending of $1.2 trillion in 2021, or around 11% of the global market.
  • Japan: Japan has the third-largest healthcare market, with estimated healthcare spending of $628 billion in 2021, or around 5.8% of the global market.
  • Germany: Germany has the fourth-largest healthcare market, with estimated healthcare spending of $482 billion in 2021, or around 4.4% of the global market.
  • France: France has the fifth-largest healthcare market, with estimated healthcare spending of $391 billion in 2021, or around 3.6% of the global market.

Other countries with large healthcare markets include the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Brazil, and India, among others. However, it’s important to note that the precise breakdown of the global healthcare market can vary depending on the methodology and data sources used.